Welcome to Heritage!
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We are living in challenging times … economic recession, loneliness and depression seem more evident than ever, wars and political division across the world and many who deny the existence of God, especially a God who cares. What do we do? How do we BE the church in this environment?
At Heritage Church, we believe every person is a masterpiece of God’s creation. We see who they can become IN CHRIST JESUS! We believe sin has corrupted the image of God in each of us. We believe every person can become who God created him/her to be. We believe in Holy Spirit-empowered restoration in which all of us are called to help each other.
We believe God has big plans for Heritage! God is at work in the world advancing His Kingdom and restoring lives. Jesus will be victorious. We want to join Him in what He is doing locally and where He calls us beyond.
Come experience this exciting journey of becoming who the LORD created us to be. Click here to check out our vision, mission and values then join us as we work together to accomplish the great commission!
When you visit, please introduce yourself to Allison and me and if you are worshipping with us online, send me an email. I look forward to meeting you in person.